Once again, Sturgeon began to set her sights on independence, but before she could hone that focus she was confronted with two more pressing challenges: a scandal involving her former mentor, Salmond, and the global coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 pandemic that would thoroughly disrupt life in Scotland and the world in 2020. Salmond became first minister, with Sturgeon as his deputy and as minister for public health and well-being. Get the latest Scottish politics news sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter. 2. More info. as he pushed for favourable front-page coverage, Mr Osborne warned Mr Hancock that 'no one thinks testing is going well' in late 2020, Then Prime Minister Boris Johnson, revealed he was going 'quietly crackers' about the UK's shortage of test kits. But Mr Hancock did not follow the guidance, telling his advisers that it 'muddies the waters'. The decision caught many political observers by surprise. The resurgence of the desire to leave the union has come alongside the SNP taking a markedly different approach to tackling the ongoing coronavirus crisis, and a considerable drop in popularity for the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson north of the border. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Face masks were introduced in schools because Boris Johnson was told it was 'not worth an argument' with Nicola Sturgeon, Murder probe after man shot dead on doorstep of Greenock home in 'targeted' attack. Ms Sturgeon tweeted a . Watch: ministers considered exterminating all cats in Covid, Harry, Meghan and the rise and fall of the folie deux, The importance of exposing Matt Hancocks WhatsApp messages. Face masks were then recommended for "all indoor environments" in February 2021. We will automatically post your comment and a link to the news story to your Facebook timeline at the same time it is posted on MailOnline. Nicola Sturgeon has stood up for her six million people far more than Boris Johnson, and she has appraoched the Downing Street Government to try to get a Referendum over Scottish Independance organised. Ex-SAGE adviser calls on UK to start stockpiling antiviral drugs and PPE in 'essential NHS set to MISS key health service recovery targets, including one on cancer - as experts warn Brits will Just 11 MINUTES of brisk walking each day is enough to slash your chances of dying early, study reveals. Answer (1 of 16): A lot going wrong here with this question. Andrew Linton's wife Alison described him as a "happy family man" as she said his disappearance is extremely out of character, adding that his granddaughter Myla needs her papa home. Nicola Sturgeon husband: Who is Peter Murrell? When questions were raised about Sturgeons conduct in the mattermost notably her admission that she had met with Salmond regarding the investigation of himshe submitted herself to investigation by an independent ethics panel. hide caption. Hawara: 'What happened was horrific and barbaric'. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. The Health Secretary said the next FM would have to celebrate and advance LGBT rights. Chief medical officer Chris Whitty told Johnson that there were no strong reason against in corridors etc, and no very strong reasons for" introducing the masks. Johnson went ahead with the policy despite England's Chief Medical Officer saying there were "no very strong reasons" to do so. Hancock has said that the messages were stolen and has hinted that he will take legal action. As for the independence movement, Sturgeon said on Wednesday that the U.K.'s next election would serve as "a de facto vote" on the feasibility of Scottish independence. The guidance at the time applied to a third of a million pupils in secondary schools in Greater Manchester, parts of Lancashire, West Yorkshire, and Leicester. Therefore, for almost three years Sturgeon led the SNP contingent in Edinburgh, gaining a reputation for her vigorous attacks on First Minister Jack McConnell of the Labour Party. "Unsustainable" for Boris Johnson to remain as caretaker PM, Nicola Sturgeon says. This story categorically shows that the right place for this analysis of what happened in the pandemic is in the inquiry.". But the Prime Minister has fallen from -8 to -23 in the region - where his party gained a number of Labour strongholds in the 2019 General Election. Your comment will be posted to MailOnline as usual. The revelations come from leaked WhatsApp messages taken from the phone of then health secretary Matt Hancock and seen by the Telegraph. Allies of Mr Hancock said that was because a lack of testing capacity meant it was not possible to check everyone entering a care home. Courteney Cox responds to Prince Harry's memoir claims he took magic mushrooms at her house. Helen Whately, who is now health minister, yesterday told the Commons the leaked messages give a 'limited' and misleading view of the Government's decision-making around care homes during the pandemic. Nicola Sturgeon Nicola Sturgeon accused of 'rank hypocrisy' after gloating over Boris Johnson's salary SNP ministers have had a voluntary pay freeze in place since 2008 but the cost of running the First Minister's bloated government is costing us more than 2MILLION a year extra News By Ben Borland Editor 16:54, 14 MAR 2022 Around two-thirds are happy with how the Scottish Government has dealt with communicating decisions and the vaccine rollout. Nicola Sturgeon's decision to stand down as Scotland's first minister defied the convention that those at the top cling to the trappings of power until the very end. ', Mr Johnson added: 'In order to allow schools to require face coverings in any part of the school we will now have to do a u turn.'. Sturgeon did not run for a seat in the U.K. Parliament during the U.K. general election in May 2015, but her dynamic campaigning led the SNP to a historic landslide victory in the Scottish constituencies, as its share of the seats in Westminster swelled from 6 to 56with nearly all of its gains at the expense of Labour, for which Scotland had long been a stronghold. Masks remained in English schools for nearly 16 months. "Lifelong conservative voters are fed up with being taken for granted. Schools north of the border begin the school year earlier than those in England. Knowing that she had the support of the Green Party (winner of 8 seats) on the issue of independence, however, Sturgeon indicated that she would renew the push for indyref2, despite Johnsons opposition. The first minister was an active advocate for the Remain campaign in the run-up to the June 23 referendum on whether the United Kingdom should leave the European Union (EU; Brexit). It was Scotland's unsuccessful referendum vote in 2014 that led Sturgeon's predecessor, Alex Salmond, to resign. In the wake of that outcome, Sturgeon hinted that she might put a new referendum on Scottish independence on the table. Mr Johnson's administration had already decided that masks would not be worn in schools and they had been excluded from guidance on mask wearing. The Scottish Liberal Democrats tweeted: "It has always been clear that Boris Johnson is unfit to lead our country. Below are some of the stand out, Five things weve learned from Hancocks lockdown files, The preventable death of the Scottish Tories. Jane Barlow /Pool/Getty Images A spokesman for Mr Hancock said: "These stolen messages have been doctored to create a false story that Matt rejected clinical advice on care home testing. Scott Taylor, who plays for Lothian Thistle Hutchison Vale, is recovering in hospital in an induced coma after undergoing a 10-hour operation. Last modified on Thu 7 Jul 2022 12.53BST, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every However, Scottish voters, apparently unready to vote again on independence, handed Sturgeon and the SNP a major setback at the polls in the snap election called by May for June 2017, as the partys representation in Westminster fell by 21 seats. Earlier, Ms Sturgeon said that although her differences with Mr Johnson were many and profound, she understood that leadership was difficult and brought with it many stresses and strains. Whitty replied: No strong reason against in corridors etc, and no very strong reasons for. VideoAt the crash site of 'no hope' - BBC reporter in Greece, Dozens of girls treated after new Iran poisonings, Blackpink lead top stars back on the road in Asia, Exploring the rigging claims in Nigeria's elections, 'Wales is in England' gaffe sparks TikToker's trip, Ukraine war casts shadow over India's G20 ambitions, Record numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story. 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In late June 2022, well aware of Johnsons continued opposition to the referendum, Sturgeon nevertheless decided that the time was right to revisit the issue. Indeed, just three months ago in December 2021, MSPs saw their pay increased by 3.4 per cent meaning that should any SNP minister quit or resign from the government they can earn the new figure of66,662 per year. Sturgeon agreed to be Salmonds running mate and became deputy leader in September following Salmonds victory. That guidance applied to a third of a million pupils in secondary schools in Greater Manchester, parts of Lancashire, Leicester and West Yorkshire. She became deputy First Minister in 2007 following the partys big Holyrood win, winning the Glasgow Govan seat. "We haven't had culture wars in Scotland, but they suddenly arrived with a vengeance," Keating explained. This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. Children were ordered to wear face masks in schools after Boris Johnson was told the issue was 'not worth an argument' with Nicola Sturgeon. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Nicola Sturgeon is more popular than Boris Johnson in England Credit: Getty - Pool. morning, Available for everyone, funded by readers. The conversations were reported by The Telegraph after the newspaper received more than 100,000 of former health secretary Matt Hancock's WhatsApp messages from during the pandemic. Steerpike is The Spectator's gossip columnist, serving up the latest tittle tattle from Westminster and beyond. Scottish Tory Mr Ross said the decision to resign was the right one. Boris Johnson on Sunday completely failed to convey the seriousness of . Sturgeon, now 52, was the first woman to lead the country's Scottish National Party (SNP) and serve as first minister. She won a seat as a member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) in the new legislative bodys first election in 1999. Wednesday, 1st March 2023See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. However, at the time Ms Sturgeon accepted 135,605, a voluntary pay freeze support by First Minister Alex Salmond that had been running since 2008. To do this we will link your MailOnline account with your Facebook account. She said it was incredible to suggest Mr Johnson would stay as prime minister for another three to four months. hide caption. Sturgeon's political aspirations emerged at an early age. Sturgeon became one of the SNPs more-prominent members, joining the partys National Executive Committee and acting as its spokeswoman for (in turn) health, education, and justice. Mr Cain told the PM: "Considering Scotland has just confirmed it will I find it hard to believe we will hold the line. Ms Sturgeon is the first woman ever to serve as Scotlands First Minister, having served in the role since 2014 following the departure of her former ally Alex Salmond. Scotland's first minister has said it is an 'unsustainable proposition' for Johnson to act as an interim prime minister. Could Meghan and Harrys eviction overshadow the coronation? That's about the shelf life of a politician," the professor said. Her wage but her just behind the then Prime Ministers 142,500 salary and also the 143,911 earnings of the then Mayor of London, Boris Johnson. She was given the messages by Hancock while she worked with him on his book. Our journalists strive for accuracy but on occasion we make mistakes. We donate increases back to the public purse for spending on services. The comments below have not been moderated. Should the inquiry clear Ms Sturgeon, she will soon begin campaigning for the May 6 Holyrood elections. The guidance at the time applied to a third of a million pupils in secondary schools in Greater Manchester, parts of Lancashire, West Yorkshire, and Leicester. Express. "In a way, it was a surprise because [she said she was going to go on], but then any leader would say that because you become a lame duck the second you say you're going to resign.". Ms Sturgeon is enjoying incredibly high popularity ratings north of the border amid a surge in support for independence. Talking about why she got into politics, she told BBC Radio Four's Women's Hour: "Thatcher was prime minister, the economy wasn't in great shape, lots of people around me were looking at a life or an immediate future of unemployment and I think that certainly gave me a strong sense of social justice and, at that stage, a strong feeling that it was wrong for Scotland to be governed by a Tory government that we hadn't elected.". Wales and Northern Ireland have lower excess death rate than Scotland but no (one) is praising the Welsh or N. Irish Governments. Sturgeon used the opportunity to discuss her country's largely non-conservative stance and need for a permanent alternative to Westminster, saying: 'Scotland will replace one prime minister they didn't vote for with another that they didn't vote for. Titford heard Kaylea screaming shortly before she died but instead of checking if she was unwell, he texted her to stop. In a group WhatsApp one week before schools in England were due to reopen Mr Johnson wrote: Folks I am about to asked about masks in schools. Nicola Sturgeon has cut a divisive figure across UK politics over the years. Sturgeon also led the SNP to its third straight victory in the elections for the Scottish Parliament in May 2016. In August 2018 a Scottish tabloid reported that Salmond was the target of a pair of sexual harassment complaints stemming from incidents dating to his time as first minister in 2013. Scottish Conservative party leader, Douglas Ross has been among the loudest voices calling for Ms Sturgeons resignation. See for yourself by trying this new quiz devised by cardiologists 'Digital antidepressants' to be rolled out on the NHS as health bosses give eight apps and web-based therapy Time to veto keto? 2023 BBC. Read about our approach to external linking. And her improved perception south of the border is even more dramatic in the north of England - where she has gone from a rating of -38 to five points. After all, the SNP love campaigning against him. Chastened by that result, Sturgeon became less strident in her advocacy of the urgency of a second independence referendum, saying that she would wait for the terms of the Brexit deal to become clearer before determining the timing of a second referendum. Is Keir trolling Boris with his next hire? The bounce in popularity that the SNP hoped to carry into the May election, however, was undermined by the Salmond scandal. Slavery plaque on Scots memorial could go after plan approved for its removal. Read More:Sturgeon faces fight for her job as damning reports to be released. "Matt concluded that the testing of people leaving hospital for care homes should be prioritised because of the higher risks of transmission, as it wasn't possible to mandate everyone going into care homes got tested. Or will it go the direction the rest of the U.K. is going in with a neoliberal model?". Mr Case then said unless Sir Chris and Sir Patrick Vallance, the Chief Scientific Adviser, "are willing to go out and say WHO and Scots are wrong", he thought "some nervous parents will freak out" about it happening in Scotland, but not England, according to the Telegraph. The revelations suggest clinically 'extremely vulnerable' patients may have been cruelly and unnecessarily isolated from loved ones for months. Police have launched a probe after a group of up to 300 people gathered outside a house in Graham Road, with the incident said to be the result of 'inaccurate information posted online'. She added: 'in a situation where we had the capacity to test at most a few thousand each day, tough decisions about prioritisation had to be made, decisions that were taken on the best public health advice available.'. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. In WhatsApp messages, obtained by the Telegraph, Sir Chris Whitty appeared ambivalent when asked for his opinion. who also announced her surprise resignation last month. Smokers in Lanarkshire can get help to kick the habit ahead of No Smoking Day. We use your sign-up to provide content in the ways you've consented to and improve our understanding of you. Your comment will be posted to MailOnline as usual. Other WhatsApp messages show social care minister Helen Whately warned that restrictions on visitors to care homes were 'inhumane' months before they were finally lifted. The guidance was withdrawn in May 2021 and then reintroduced again in January 2022 to combat the surge of the omicron variant and withdrawn again a fortnight later. Mrs Hinch explains how 'Hinch jar' tip helps her do cleaning jobs she 'puts off'. Taking Vitamin D each day could cut your chances of getting dementia, study claims. In June 2004 SNP leader John Swinney resigned. In other areas in England, schools were given the power to 'recommend' face mask be worn in communal areas. On Wednesday's instalment of the Channel 4 property show, Julie and Peter enlisted Lee's help to find their dream holiday home in South West France. Nicola Sturgeon will survive and Boris Johnson will likely not despite Covid breaches. All rights reserved. Video, At the crash site of 'no hope' - BBC reporter in Greece, Record numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story. On Wednesday, Sturgeon avoided answering a question about whether the drama was "the straw that broke the camel's back," reiterating instead that she wasn't resigning "over short-term issues.". In November she succeeded Salmondwho had resignedas Scotlands first minister and leader of the SNP. Before we perform another u turn can I have a view on whether they are necessary?". ", DON'T MISS: Rishi Sunak's Brexit deal may save Tories from 'election wipeout' [REPORT] Ukraine LIVE: Furious Putin bans 'degenerate' foreign words [LATEST] Prince Harry and Meghan 'felt forced out' by King Charles, expert says [OPINION], He continued: "Also why do we want to have the fight on not having masks in certain school settings.". The then prime minister compared over-65s' risk of dying from Covid to that of 'falling down stairs', adding: 'And we don't stop older people from using stairs.'. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced Wednesday that she would step down. He said: No strong reason against in corridors etc, and no very strong reasons for, before adding: So agree not worth an argument.. The former Celtic youth star played in Liverpool's penalty shootout win over the Portuguese outfit to reach the quarter-final of the cup. Video, Record numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story, Johnson to stand down after wave of resignations, Scottish secretary is only territorial minister left in PM's Cabinet, Boris Johnson rejects Nicola Sturgeon's indyref2 call, Harry and Meghan told to 'vacate' Frogmore Cottage, Rare Jurassic-era bug found at Arkansas Walmart, Ed Sheeran says wife developed tumour in pregnancy, Prince Andrew offered Frogmore Cottage - reports, Baby's body found as police continue to question couple, China and Belarus call for peace in Ukraine, Man survives 31 days in jungle by eating worms. The policy was only ended in January 2022, 16 months after it was introduced. The guidance was extended in February 2021 recommending the use of face masks in 'all indoor environments', including classrooms in secondary schools. The public won't forgive the Conservatives for propping him up so long. The bad blood that resulted between former allies Sturgeon and Salmond deeply divided the SNP as it headed into the important elections for the Scottish Parliament in May 2021, in which Sturgeon and the SNP hoped to gain an outright majority that would allow them to push forward with a new referendum on independence, popularly referred to as indyref2. In late March Salmond formed his own political party, the Alba Party, for the election, and Sturgeon witnessed a drop in her popularity. Compare this to the Prime Minister. The great villain of Covid is China. but that doesn't mean Boris Johnson and Nicola Sturgeon can't engage in some political games . "First and foremost there will be an overwhelming and very widespread sense of relief today that Boris Johnson's time as prime minister - which should probably never have been allowed to happen in the first place - is coming to an end.". 11th Jan 2022, 4:29pm. The guidance at the time applied to a third of a million pupils in secondary schools in Greater Manchester, parts of Lancashire, West Yorkshire, and Leicester. Boris Johnson thanked the public for allowing him to do "the best job in the world", At the crash site of 'no hope' - BBC reporter in Greece. "And I've today appointed a Cabinet to serve, as I will, until a new leader is in place. But who is he and what would it mean for Scotland and the UK if he won? Facemasks were only introduced in English classrooms after Boris Johnson was told it was "not worth an argument" with Nicola Sturgeon, it's been shown.. Mr Johnson is said to have made the move despite England's Chief Medical Officer at the time saying there were "no very strong reasons" to do so. To inquire about a licence to reproduce material, visit our Syndication site. In the 2007 elections to Scotlands Parliament, the SNP emerged as the largest party. 'Schizophrenic's' brutal slaying of Scots dog walker 'could not have been predicted'. Frank Kinnis, 83, suffered fatal injuries after David Johnstone stamped on his head in woodland in Elgin. The Sun website is regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). Nicola Sturgeon: How can small countries have a global impact? Scotland is still heading towards independence. Former Lanarkshire students excel in aerospace sustainable energy project, Scout Horan and Sam Morton were part of a team who investigated the potential to reduce energy consumption on site, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle confirm they have been evicted from Frogmore cottage. She later warned Mr Hancock that the elderly were at risk of 'just giving up' because they had been isolated for so long. The SNP are demanding Boris Johnson earn less than Nicola Sturgeon (Image: GETTY) Ms Sturgeon is entitled to 157,861 a year for her role in governing Scotland. The UK Government decided to require English schoolchildren to wear masks during the Covid-19 pandemic in part to avoid an "argument" with Nicola Sturgeon, leaked messages reveal.. Boris . IT is well known that Nicola Sturgeon is more liked than Boris Johnson in Scotland - but now the SNP leader has overtaken the Prime Minister in the popularity stakes south of the Border as well. Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced her intention to resign after more than eight years as head of the country's government. While the measures were loosened as time wore on, the prolonged isolation affected people's psychological well-being, with more than a third of those who were shielding reporting a deterioration in mental health, according to the Office of National Statistics. In other parts of England, schools were given the power to recommend face masks be worn in communal areas. Both politicians chose to bow out on their own terms rather than wait to be pushed out. Permanent secretary for Covid Simon Case said nervous parents will freak out if children had to wear masks in Scottish schools but not English ones. A person could essentially be one gender legally on one side of the Scottish-English border and then another gender legally a mile away. TikTok will LIMIT screen time for users under-18 to 60 minutes a day - and they will be prompted to enter a Covid families and critics accuse Matt Hancock of 'criminal negligence': Fury as WhatsApps 'show he ignored Is YOUR lifestyle good for your heart? Amazon Fire TV Stick users may soon start seeing a warning message when trying to side-load dodgy unofficial apps. "This decision is not a reaction to short-term pressures. For other inquiries Contact Us. As of April 2015, the salary for the First Minister of Scotland was decided as being 144,687 per year. Brexit pulled Scotland out of the European Union against its will, she said. Boris Johnson introduced face masks in English schools after he was advised it was "not worth an argument" with Nicola Sturgeon over the issue, according to reports. Mr Hancock "enthusiastically accepted" the advice from Sir Chris on April 14. We also may change the frequency you receive our emails from us in order to keep you up to date and give you the best relevant information possible. Humza Yousaf has dig at Kate Forbes over gay marriage in SNP leadership hustings. As a result Scotland fared better proportionally than England did in terms of cases of the coronavirus and deaths related to COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus. Boris Johnson, who replaced her as prime minister, won a mandate for his vision of hard Brexit in another snap parliamentary election in December. Britons enraged by EU Commissioner's vaccine claims on Marr Show, Absolutely no need for more vaccines! Commission refuses Russia help, George Galloway spots 'separatist' plot as Scots escape census, Boris Johnson has 'declared war' on devolution - former First Minister, Nicola sturgeon poll scottish independece latest Scotland news, Tories plan to derail SNP's independence dream and 'get rid of them', Sturgeon faces fight for her job as damning reports to be released, Catastrophe for Sturgeon as Scots say independence poll not priority. This would put her above the 150,000 Boris Johnson - who last year sources say bemoaned that he was underpaid - is thought to receive. Resignedas Scotlands first minister nicola Sturgeon will survive and Boris Johnson in England than Boris Johnson polling! Gossip columnist, serving up the latest tittle tattle from Westminster and beyond they new... In hospital in an induced coma after undergoing a 10-hour operation been cruelly unnecessarily... 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