Scottsdale Mayor, Jim Lane, has ordered the city's mask mandate to end. Those strategies include hand washing, extra cleaning and keeping kids home if they are ill. I think that those are very appropriate and responsible things to do, Solem said. The new ban comes at a time when vaccination rates are flagging and when the more contagious Delta variant of COVID-19 has been spreading across Arizona and the rest of the country. Monday's ruling does more than void the challenged sections of the laws. Apple Pay, Venmo, PayPal One Touch, etc.) In Scottsdale, new cases per 100,000 residents and positive new test results were up recently in three of the citys 10 ZIP codes, according to Maricopa County. No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism Humble said surveys of young adults conducted by students he is working with suggest placing vaccination sites at popular spots could increase vaccination rates, because many respondents were worried about convenience, not the vaccine itself. No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism Lane eventually allowed Scottsdales mandate to lapse in September in favor of the countys regulations, but new Mayor David Ortega reinstated the citys mandate when he took office in January. "Unfortunately, today's decision is the result of a rogue judge interfering with the authority and processes of another branch of government.''. Despite that, some did get sick, forcing the closure of the store. SUSD will still continue to encourage those who have not been vaccinated to wear a mask while on district property, but ultimately, the decision is up to each individual and family.. The district counters in its statement to parents and staff that most of the district's ZIP codes are in the 'substantial' transmission category. Cobb also appeared before Kingman City Council to criticize its mask mandate in September, according to the Mohave Valley Daily News, which quoted her as telling officials: I have heard from many local citizens of how divisive this proclamation has been to our community. 2023 Experience Scottsdale All rights reserved, Top 10 Signature Scottsdale Spouse Programs, Canadian Meetings FAM - Attendee Registration, Keeping Scottsdales tourism industry strong, Increasing International Flight Service a Win for Scottsdale, Scottsdales Culinary Scene Earns National Acclaim, Kickstarting Scottsdale Tourisms Recovery, Limited Service and Moderate Hotel Strategy Session, Scottsdale Experiential Development Applicationcottsdale, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Maricopa County Department of Public Health, Arizona Department of Health Services maintains a list of such sites, city of Scottsdale has information on additional sites throughout the city. Chance of rain 100%. that is degrading to another person. Rain. each comment to let us know of abusive posts. High 61F. Data obtained by the Progress show police issued just three citations for mask mandate violations between June 18, 2020, the day Scottsdales mask mandate took effect - and March 14. racist or sexually-oriented language. And K6-12 the vaccination rates are pretty poor still and Pfizer is so far the only one that can go below age 16., As a new school year begins, though, there are still risks with this virus and particularly because of Delta its a lot easier to catch it, he continued. "We had certainly hoped to be in a different position with the pandemic by this point in time, but our community continues to struggle with it. Never miss an issue. The issue came to a head at an SUSD school board meeting on May 18 when a group of unruly attendees including some Scottsdale parents as well as outside groups like the conservative Patriot Party of Arizona and Purple for Parents refused to wear masks, prompting the board to suspend the meeting. If they work, how are people still catching COVID? he asked. each comment to let us know of abusive posts. Lane told the Progress he will review the need for the mask requirement on a week-to-week basis. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Be Proactive. racist or sexually-oriented language. Threats of harming another We'd love to hear eyewitness Scottsdale lawmaker: Masks werent needed for AIDS, By Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services. High 61F. What makes all that illegal, Desai argued, is that tucking those changes into "reconciliation'' bills or bills simply labeled "budget procedures'' does not meet the constitutional requirement that the public be informed of what is included. It is irresponsible ofthe stategovernmenttostand in the way of local leaders making decisions that protect the health and safety of their students and staff. That's almost 10 percent of the district's student population. There hasnt been any enforcement to speak of so when it comes to bars, restaurants and nightclubsI dont think there is going to be an explosive impact, he said. Monday was the district's ninth day of school this year. Be Proactive. A crowd of parents and concerned citizens gathered on the sidewalk outside of the district's Mohave Annex Tuesday evening, waving American flags and holding signs that shared messages such as, "masks = fake science," and "I do not coparent with SUSD's governing board.". But he said Ducey should have left the mandates in place for another six to eight weeks, at least until a larger percentage of young people are vaccinated because they are transmitting it to others who are dying.. We are excited to welcome visitors back to Scottsdales sunny Sonoran Desert, and we encourage you to take this Safe Traveler Pledge, a few simple steps to minimize the risk of COVID-19. The measure prohibits a county, city, town, school district governing board or charter school governing body from requiring students or staff use face coverings during school hours and on school property.. Please be patient and kind to staff at our local businesses as they learn and adapt to new procedures. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, Yet no masks were required.. Scottsdale Unified School District (SUSD) announced it will require masks on buses a direct violation of state law prohibiting school-enforced mask mandates. Its official, masks required on buses! If Ducey follows through on his threat, it could cost Kyrene $5.2 million and Tempe Union $2.8 million. Until we have suppressed community spread by vaccinating more individuals, including children under 12, universal masking will continue to be a critical tool in limiting the spread of the virus in our schools.. Humble said the mask mandate ban had been in the works for days and condemned state Department of Health Services Director Cara Christ for keeping silent. Scottsdale Area Pets Who Need A Home: Meet Gumdrop, George, Lotus & More, Scottsdale Jobs: See Who's Hiring In The Area, Shop The Scottsdale Farmers Market Like A Pro, Info Here. Last week, the district sent home 150 symptomatic students. Its dangerous in that it just spreads so much easier but once you get it, its not worse than Alpha.. Never miss an issue. The mask mandate ban was sponsored by Kingman Republican Rep. and dentist Regina Cobb, who represents the district that includes Lake Havasu. Doug Ducey's executive order ending enforcement of the measure. The Legislature appealed to the state Supreme Court but lost on a request for an immediate stay oof Cooper's ruling. or anything. that is degrading to another person. If there ever was a better argument for school choice the Democrats are making it now! High 61F. SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. - The city of Scottsdale announced that residents will no longer have to wear masks, but healthcare professionals are speaking out against this decision. racist or sexually-oriented language. I look forward to the day when we can declare all clear and remove all restrictions but that day is not today, Ortega said. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends face coverings based on personal preference and personal level of risk. Chance of rain 100%. Use the 'Report' link on That was good for 29th place among states and the District of Columbia. Mask Up Arizona is a successful campaign and remains the best advice keep your distance from others, and mask up when you cannot.. In both Scottsdale and Maricopa County, enforcing the mask mandate will be left up to local police and the method of enforcement will take an educational approach. In a letter sent to parents and staff, SUSD's leadership team said its decision stemmed from the district's belief in following the Centers for Disease Control's advice on preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus. All Inclusive! The measure is one of dozens that were tacked on without any hearing to the state budget bill passed by the Legislature and signed by Gov. We are able and capable of making the best decisions for our families, Solem said. It was the district's intention to continue a mask-optional policy, but the district was always clear that its plans could change based on circumstances, said Superintendent Scott Menzel. Use the 'Report' link on At the end of a lengthy school board meeting, Winds SW at 15 to 25 mph. Scottsdale Progress news staff contibuted to this report. SCOTTSDALE, AZ Scottsdale Unified students will have to don face masks at school, beginning Aug. 20. Winds SW at 15 to 25 mph. But data released last week show case numbers are on the rise within SUSD boundaries, and the county upgraded the area from moderate to substantial transmission. She said her employees wear masks. Cooper said there are separate constitutional requirements that legislation deal with only a single subject. The city lifted the mandate, but Maricopa County's mask mandate is still in place. See below for details on the ways to ensure your visit in Scottsdale is as safe as it is enjoyable. SUSD claimed that CDC authority was greater than the states authority. Be Nice. "It's the duty and authority of only the legislative branch to organize itself and make laws,'' he continued. New Mayor David Ortega wasted little I plan on dropping a termination date, at this time, and continuing with the periodic review of the mandated mask requirement with the County and the State, Lane said in a statement. The Republican-dominated Legislature banned mask mandates on all school campuses, effectively ending the long-running debate over whether Scottsdale Unified should require masks next year. They feel like a promise has been broken.. Amandatory mask mandate issued by Scottsdale Mayor Jim Lane in June will remain in place indefinitely pending further review by the mayors office. or anything. Dr. Efrim Lim, a virologist at ASU, said several variants have emerged in Arizona. Be Nice. Students are not required to wear masks while waiting at a bus stop or after they disembark, and drivers are not required to wear masks if not students are on the bus.. Students will be able to attend school. SUSD Governing Board President Jann-Michael Greenburg has long been critical of the governors decision last year to punt the mask decision to individual school districts, arguing those decisions are best left to public health officials. Low near 40F. Independent Living for Seniors: Estrella Estates NEW LISTING! Be Truthful. Those lawmakers included Sens. It's also illegal, she said, because it forces a legislator "to make a Hobson's choice between accepting the entire bill, including measures she opposes, or voting 'no' on the entire measure, including measures she supports.''. Keep it Clean. On March 25, 2021, Arizonas governor allowed all businesses to resume normal operations, including hotels, restaurants, bars and attractions. Don't knowingly lie about anyone Rep. Diego Rodriguez, D-Phoenix, said Chaplik is wrong in arguing that mask mandates are an example of government overreach. Mitigation Strategies. We'd love to hear eyewitness The violators are given a verbal warning and an opportunity to comply with the law. Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community accounts, the history behind an article. each comment to let us know of abusive posts. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. They cited the CDC orderrequiring masks on public transportation. American Diabetes Association Alert Day Are You At Risk? Earlier this month, the Arizona legislature banned mask mandates within its K-12 budget. All Inclusive! Notifications from this discussion will be disabled. mask mandates Photo Courtesy of YouTube Oct 3, 2021 0 Parents and others jammed the meeting room for Scottsdale Unified Governing Boards meeting Sept. 28, The legislation prohibited schools from requiring masks during school hours or on any school property. And that includes most K-12 students, especially those in lower grades who have not been cleared by the Food and Drug Administration to get COVID shots. Chance of rain 100%.. Cloudy. each comment to let us know of abusive posts. Parents opposing mask mandates bombard school districts with sham legal claims Feb. 21, 202202:35 The parents claims were baseless. This will cause problems in the fall with the Legislature out of session., While the measure does not proscribe penalties for entities that violate the ban on mask mandates, it was denounced by former state health director Will Humble, executive director for the Arizona Public Health Association, who called the measure stupid., Its harmful, its ill-advised. SCOTTSDALE, AZ Scottsdale Unified School District joined others in the state in continuing with its mask mandate, in spite of Gov. Don't Threaten. That means only a stay by an appellate court can stop school districts from keeping mask requirements in place. that is degrading to another person. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience possible. Sign up for free today. Chaplik argued that the mandates are an overreaction and that society has managed to survive other viral outbreaks without masks. Part of the concern with the announcement is that it's causing confusion. Keep it Clean. It didn't see numbers like that last year, when students were required to wear masks, Menzel said, although he admitted that the more contagious delta variant played a factor in the spread. Get tested if youre feeling sick or have been exposed to the virus at free sites throughout the Scottsdale area. "Both state that school districts should continue to implement mitigation strategies as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The mandates reversal comes as COVID-19 case numbers which had been on the decline could again be on the rise. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Ducey first gave local municipalities the power to issue mask mandates last June. Her older two children wore masks while attending district schools last year, and they don't want to go back, she said. The all-Republican LD 23 delegation, which covers much of the rest of the city, voted for the measure. Scottsdale was one of the first cities in the state to adopt a mandate in June after Governor Doug Ducey issued an order allowing them to put their own mask Scottsdale Unified School District and Kyrene Elementary School District will no longer require facial coverings for students and staff in the next school semester. While the mask mandate and vaccine bans dont have specific penalties for government entities that disobey it, state Attorney General Mark Brnovich has told Tucson it could lose out in $120 million in state share revenue if it tries to enforce a vaccine mandate for city employees. Corinne Murdock is a contributing reporter for AZ Free News. SUSD claimed that this order not only applied to public school transportation but private schools as well. From campus-style resorts to a lush Sonoran Desert landscape thats ripe for exploration, Scottsdale is the ideal choice if youre looking for a getaway that allows you room to roam. And it comes as the more contagious Delta variant of the virus looms as a threat. Several parents attempted to share their feelings about the mask mandate during the public comment portion of a public hearing that the school board held prior to the discussion and vote on the mask requirement. Parents and others jammed the meeting room for Scottsdale Unified Governing Boards meeting Sept. 28, the day after a judge threw out the states ban on mask mandates. The largest spike was in 85259, which had 82 new cases per 100,000 from March 21 to March 27, up from 43 the week prior. Share with Us. On Friday, Mesa Public Schools announced a phased approach to ending the district's mandatory mask policy. The mask debate is picking up again, this time in Scottsdale. Positivity also jumped from 3.11 to 5.7 percent. Many continue to follow public health recommendations, though the protocols may vary by business. Be Nice. Don't Threaten. The original order was set to expire on July 20 before Lane extended it through Aug. 20. The CDC on Friday said it had studied case data from July and August from school districts in Pima and Maricopa counties and found, the odds of a school-associated COVID-19 outbreak were 3.5 times higher in schools with no mask requirement than in those with a mask requirement implemented at the time school started.. I have had friends die of COVID, Osborne said. Please contact individual businesses directly if you would like detailed information on their efforts to protect you and other guests. The recent legislation simply makes that a requirement for all districts, Menzel told the Progress. Learn more. Humble said the mandates helped businesses that wanted to enforce mask use avoid uncomfortable confrontations with customers. High 61F. No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism Instead, they said the legislation is a matter of individual rights. However, unvaccinated people will still be required to wear masks indoors, the governor wrote. Districts and school boards are now powerless to implement any mask measures without the legislature say so even if the CDC recommends. This latest announcement comes on the heels of another controversial act undertaken by SUSD. Dr. Cara Christ, director of the Arizona Department of Health Services, said the main reason restrictions were imposed was to avoid overwhelming the states health care system with COVID-19 patients. Be Truthful. See my statement on the updated CDC guidance: Doug Ducey (@dougducey) July 27, 2021 It also sends a message to lawmakers that they can no longer use the practice of piling apparently unrelated issues into bills in an effort to corral the votes for the entire package. Why is @ScottsdaleUSD insistent on pushing the socialist agenda of the @JoeBiden administration wrote Ugenti-Rita. SUSD will be complying with this federal requirement. Chaplik went on to tell colleagues to look at whats happening elsewhere to disprove the claims that masks help prevent the spread of the virus. Recommended Face Coverings
ucey vowed to withhold $162 million in pandemic relief money for school districts that took advantage of Warners ruling and imposed mask mandates at least until today. Low near 40F. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph. School board member Libby Hart-Wells, who called for the special Tuesday night meeting to vote on a mask requirement, said she believes the entire Scottsdale Unified community wants the same thing: for kids to continue attending school in person. By clicking Sign Up, I confirmthat I have read and agreeto the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Pre-departure testing is no longer required, but non-U.S. citizens visiting the U.S. must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 unless they meet criteria for an exception. Scottsdale Unified School District is keeping its mask mandate in effect for now after a Mar. It failed to get the necessary votes when it was considered as a separate measure. Get an email notification whenever someone contributes to the discussion. Desai told Cooper that the larger and legally binding reason she should declare the provision banning mask mandates illegal is that it was tucked into a bill simply labeled a "budget reconciliation'' measure. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph. Check back for updates. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, cannot be spread by air. Rain. Notifications from this discussion will be disabled. And that could result in difficulty in getting approval of future controversial measures. Low near 40F. ], In his pleadings with Arizonans to get vaccinated, he stated that the vaccines made mandates unnecessary. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, Never miss an issue. or anything. Three medical professionals Dr. Cadey Harrel, family physician in Tucson and the Arizona State Lead for the Committee to Protect Health Care; Dr. Ricardo Correa, an endocrinologist in Phoenix; and Dr. Elizabeth Jacobs, professor of epidemiology held a press conference last week to condemn the ban on mask mandates. Get an email notification whenever someone contributes to the discussion. Periods of rain early. Periods of rain early. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, each comment to let us know of abusive posts. But our health officials again this year took no action, so I think its a bad policy.. Notifications from this discussion will be disabled. Will Humble, executive director for the Arizona Public Health Association, said he doesnt believe the rescinded mandate will be the driving force behind case increases because the mandates were ignored by many and had little enforcement. Masks are not mandated in Arizona, but hotels, restaurants, retails store and attractions may encourage or require them. The district required masks for students learning in person last year, but Solem said that many parents based their decision to send their kids to Scottsdale Unified this year on the expectation that masks would be optional. Sign up for free today. Roberts said hes heard a figure that something like 90% of the state is covered by some local mask mandate. High 61F. He's talking about his decision with FOX 10's John Hook on Sept. 22. ", "We all know masking has been very effective in bringing down the number of hospitalizations.". But then it was inserted into a reconciliation bill along with other items on the wish lists of various other legislators to cobble together the necessary Republican votes. Operated summer school and camp buses without masks, so what changed? asked Wray. "The issue here is notwhatthe legislature decided buthowit decided what it did,'' she wrote. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Nothing prevents parents from making their own child wear a mask in school. Chance of rain 100%. Sign up for free today. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph. Humble said he believes an increase in cases will likely be driven by new COVID-19 variants. From my position, there are no biomedical indicators that would suggest that now is a good time to reduce mitigation efforts, he said, adding: I think from the current position where were at, roughly at least half of our population is still either not vaccinated or has never had COVID-19, so they remain at risk of COVID-19 infection, and we know that the incidents of bad outcomes is still high.. But Osborne, who provided the crucial -- and required -- 31st vote for the measure, said she had to side with her colleagues. We'd love to hear eyewitness Threats of harming another Sign up for free Patch newsletters and alerts. Weve passed all of this into law, and it will not change. Rainfall around a quarter of an inch. April" class="redactor-linkify-object"> Sign up for free Patch newsletters and alerts. Maintain at least 6 feet of space between yourself and others when visiting local businesses. Share with Us. These steps were targeted to situations where person-to-person infection conditions were known to be high, and so they had an immediate effect on reversing the infection rate trend, Lane said. We'd love to hear eyewitness However, Superintendent Dr. Scott Menzel sent a letter to parents on May 14 notifying them that district had planned to make masks optional next school year. 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